(PM) PCI modems (again)

Steve Heaven (steve@thornet.co.uk)
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 11:58:13 +0000

We have a customer who has a modem that identifies itself only as

There are two problems

1) the fastest connection we can get 28k
2) It takes a very long time to connect
The normal modem negotiation is OK, then the 'Verifying user name and
password' is OK. The next stage 'Logging on to network' can take up to a
minute!. Once connected everything seems OK (apart from the slow speed)
He is using DUN with Win98
We are using PM3 ComOS 3.7.2c3 (not going to 3.8.2 until Euro PRI stuff
sorted out)

Our radius and portmaster logs show nothing odd.

Anyone got any ideas what this might be?


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