RE: (PM) Euro PRI troubles...

Steve Burke (
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 12:08:35 -0000

We are also using Worldcom PRIs on our PM3 sited
in Telehouse in the UK.

We don't get any CRC4 errors but we do get lots of
E-Bit errors (about 500 per week). We ran the same
PM3's with our old telco (local cable company) and
never say a single error in 2 years.

I have also spoken to Worldcom technical who also
say that the lines are perfect...

I must say that the PM3 does actually seem to work
just fine with good connect rates and very few retrains
so it would appear that the E-Bit errors aren't obviously
affecting performance, but I would still like to get to
the bottom of this...

If you or anyone else get anything sensible out of
Worldcom, please let me know, because I can't seem to !

Regards... Steve

Paradise Technology Limited
Paradise Internet Network Services

> I am trying to move a Portmaster3 to a ISDN-30 PRI provided by Worldcom. > It used to be connected to an ISDN-30 provided by the incumbent Dutch > telco. The Worldcom techs say that the line is provisioned according to > the same specs (CRC4 framing, HDB3 encoding). And, the line actually > works. What worries me is the number of CRC4 and E-bit errors, and > especially the rate at which they increase: > > portmaster1> sh line0 > ---------------------- line0 - E1 Primary Rate ISDN --------------- > Status: UP F1 Framing: CRC4 Encoding: HDB3 PCM: a-law > Violations > ----------------------------- > Bipolar 0 > CRC4 302 > E-bit 104 > FAS bit 0 > > This is shortly after a reboot. Half an hour later, we're looking at 11167 > CRC4 errors and 211 E-bit errors. Needless to say, this makes me queezy > enough to switch the line back. > > Worldcom uses an Ericsson AXE/TL2 switch. They do not see any errors... > The errors on my end went away when I reconnected the old PRI. This > suggests that the issue is with Worldcom and not the Portmaster3. However, > I'm at a loss as to what to ask Worldcom to do to fix it. > > Ideas, anyone? > > Cheers, > > -- Bert

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