Re: (PM) PM2E & 2ER POP

Thomas Kinnen (
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 08:36:43 -0800

"F. Michael Taylor" wrote:

> At what seems to be random intervals, but always on the weekend, the 2E
> loses its ability to see the rest of the world. The 2ER does not seem
> affected. Reseting the NIC on the 2ER has no effect, but reboothing the
> whole box seems to fix the problem with the 2E.

So the 2ER can see the worked and is running your internet connection but
the 2E can not? Rebooting the 2ER can fix this correct? When this happens
can the 2E and the 2ER see each other? Can the 2ER see anything on it's

Thomas C Kinnen - <> <>
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