F. Michael Taylor (taylor@syrinx.jeffnet.org)
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 08:02:13 -0800 (PST)

I'll try here first, then I'm calling support.

I have a remote POP that consists of 1 PM2e30 and 1 PM2eR30.

Livingston PortMaster PM-2e ComOS 3.7.2
System uptime is 1 days 38 minutes

Livingston PortMaster PM-2e ComOS 3.7.2
System uptime is 1 days 41 minutes

At what seems to be random intervals, but always on the weekend, the 2E
loses its ability to see the rest of the world. The 2ER does not seem
affected. Reseting the NIC on the 2ER has no effect, but reboothing the
whole box seems to fix the problem with the 2E.

Both boxes have 4mb ram and were doing this before I upgraded them, I was
hoping that the upgrade would make magick, but it did not. Upgrading the
COMOS from what it was to what it is also made no difference.

I amm pretty much convinced that the 2ER is going bad, maybe, I think.

So, O wise & mighty portmaster users, what should I do now.

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