Re: (PM) (Yet another) OSPF question.. (fwd)

Neil Levine (
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 16:19:44 +0000

On Tue, Feb 23, 1999 at 06:53:36AM -0800, MegaZone said:
> Once upon a time Neil Levine shaped the electrons to say...
> >OK, given this, is there a away to filter out address you dont want
> >to advertise?
> You'd have to look at the route filters, I'd haven't played with them so
> I don't know offhand.
> But I can't think of any reason NOT to advertise the dial pool.

Because I have static routes set up already and dont need my Cisco's
memory and CPU taken up with unnecessary route processing. :-)



-------------------------------------------------------------------- Neil Levine ClaraNet(UK) Ltd. --------------------------------------------------------------------

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