(PM) Need help subnetiing and routing

Brian Hitchcock (brianh@kcweb.net)
Sat, 20 Feb 1999 10:55:32 -0600

I have a new customer that requires about 50 IP addresses I have a class C
that I have subnetted with a .224 subnet mask. This customer is connecting
to my portmaster VIA pipeline 50. I tried to give them 2 subnets of the
class C with the .224 mask. All the computers in the first sunbet seemed to
work fine but none of th computers in the second subnet were able to access
the internet though the pipleine although I gave the pipeline a second IP
address in the second subnet. I am assigning all the IP information via DHCP
on the customers network (this is an NT/win95/98 Network) I installed a
second NIC in the DHCP server and all the computers on both subnets could
get IP addresses etc but the second subnet could not access the internet or
function properly with the first subnet computers. I also tried to make
this customers sunbet a .192 mask this did not work propably because I have
another customer that I have already assigned a .224 subnet form this same
class C. The other problem is how do I route incoming traffic to the second
subnet. Traffic from the internet goes to the first subnet fine because the
pipeling connects to the PM3 with that address. And help is greatly
appreciated I am stuck here have been tring diffrent things for 3 days
Looooong days :) thanks.
Brian Hitchcock
KC Web

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