(PM) SUMMARY - looking for opinions - PM3 and AS5300 (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 12:38:53 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Scott P. Daffron shaped the electrons to say...
>and admin the box, so be it... YOU HAVE TO PUT THE PRODUCT (QUALITY OF
>DIAL_IN) FIRST and it takes the clueful network engineer to work around
>the other deficiencies and come up with solutions to those short-comings.
>For that reason, I don't see how you can ignore the TC HiperARC as the
>platform of choice. I have configured these boxes, and know all too well

Because this is the most fluid thing of all about the NAS market - modem
code is a very fast moving target overall. You're basing a decision on
something that is likely to change before you even get the unit shipped.

*TODAY* the 3Com has a *slight* edge, IMHO. Not even a car length
lead in the race, and people continue to report trouble with things liek
HCF modems. Not long ago 3Com was having some serious trouble with
Rockwell clients across the board, and their OWN low end client modems.

It is a constantly changing cycle, buying a systme because it has the
best modem connectivity today, and ignoring everything else, is NOT smart
IMHO. Because you're stuck with that admin headache, even when, NOT if,
their modem code takes a downturn. There are also things you can't fix
no matter how bright you are - 3Com still has ISDN trouble. It takes them
longer than anyone else to auth an ISDN call, which can cause problems for
dial-on-demand users. Timeouts happen before the link is complete. That's
just one.

So when, not if, Lucent's modem code improves again those with a PM will
have an advantage. And will have MUCH lower costs for equivalent service.

Besides, those experiencing serious modem trouble are still a small minority
overall. You could easily find a PM works flawlessly for you, and that a
3Com doesn't. It's happened to others.


-=*X GOT CLUE? ISPF II - SAN DIEGO, CA 3/6-10 <URL:http://www.ispf.com/> X*=-
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