Re: (PM) Need a 12 modem card for the pm 3 (fwd)

Jake Messinger (
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 14:06:10 -0600 (CST)

On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, MegaZone wrote:

> >2. Customers of the E units could then use the Sync T1 cards. Right now,
> Nope. Each 'row' on a PM-3 has *32* TDM slots. In other words, you CANNOT
> put 3x12 cards - that's 36. The best you can do is 2x10 + 12, or 32.

Then a 12 port card will never happen because of this. UNLESS they change
the backplane card in the pm 3.

> A 12 modem card would only be useful for T1 - 4x12. But if the 4-port
> system happens, it wouldn't be dense enough. Going to 16 would make
> more sense, as it would be useful for todays 2T1 AND 2E1 chassis, AND
> useful for a 4T1 chassis.

Right. And knowing what I know about the Backplane now, I feel it is
imperative that Lucent RABU offer a middle solution between a PM 3 and a
PM 4. Like you are suggesting, a 4 port unit. Right now you have a loaded
pm 3 at $10k+ then you jump to over 40k for the pm 4's MINIMUM
configuration. And the pm 4's min config is no better than 2 loaded pm
3's, PLUS it costs twice as much.

Jake Messinger, VP. ph:713-772-6690 Lucent Dealer
AMS, Inc. fx:713-774-3498 Medical Billing
8300 Bissonnet #400 , ICQ# 4403734 Internet Services
Houston, Texas 77074 and Hardware

Adjunct Professor University of Houston, CBA

INVENTOR OF the _.,-*~''~*-,._ SQUIGGLES (c) 1978

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