Re: (PM) looking for opinions - PM3 (fwd)

Jeff Haas (
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 10:25:56 -0500

On Wed, Feb 17, 1999 at 06:16:26PM -0600, Jake Messinger wrote:
> Ooh, this is gonna bug some people. I guarantee you that EVERYONE at
> Livingston knows what goes on this list.

I didn't say that they weren't aware. I said that it was officially
ignored. IOW, its not a formal support channel. It also doesn't
mean that problems described on here are taken care of.

> They may not read it everyday,
> but the word gets around... "Hey did you see what Jeff just posted on the
> PM list!!: ;-)

I'm well aware of what gets around. Frank has mentioned the kinds of
noises that get around from the things we say. Unfortunately,
making noise on here will occasionally get things fixed faster
than going through formal support channels. It is likely due to
airing dirty laundry in public.

I'm a bit disgusted with Livingston's beta programs right now.
We're part of two of them and haven't gotten any new software
revisions to address open issues, nor have we been contacted regarding
them. This tells me there's something fishy in Livingston land
right now. :-P

> You can always write a letter to Steve Willens.

If you're having to deal with the president of the company in
order to correct something that should be a daily operations item,
then something is truly fscked with the company.

> Jake Messinger, VP. ph:713-772-6690 Lucent Dealer

Jeffrey Haas -+- -+- 
/\/\sen, Inc. "Michigan's Best Run Internet Service Provider."
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