Re: (PM) Outlook Express

Joe Hartley (
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 11:21:24 -0500 (EST) (Chuck Simons) wrote:
> It really sucks. along with that, Outlook does not delete messages as it
> downloads them. I guess it sends a delete all after it's picked all the
> messages up.
> So, if it hangs, The next time it picks up messages, it will pick ALL of
> them up again. Then our users scream at us that our mail server is screwed
> up.

Let's not forget that Outlook uses a non-standard date field, so sometimes
the mails look like they're composed at very different times than they were.

If _anybody_ else released a mail program that sucked this much, they'd be
down in flames instantly. We never would have heard of Eudora or Pegasus
if they violated this many standards and had these design flaws, but it's
Microsoft, so the users automatically assume it's _our_ problem.

Add to that MS's arrogance about not fixing this BROKEN software, and you
have a problem beyond belief. "We hates them, Precioussss!"

When customers call and I'm on the phone, I will always tell them Outlook
is broken, and that I don't support it. I give them the addresses for 3
other mail programs (Eudora Lite, pegasus and MS Mail and News) and if they
choose to install one of them, I'm happy to help, but if they insist on
Outlook, to call MS for support.

Microsoft's "Internet Mail" program was actually not bad. It was a fairly
small (for MS) program, with few bells or whistles, was easy to configure
and it just _worked_. That, of course, doomed it to Microsloth oblivion.
Fortunately, I have a copy I can make available to customers who choose to
use that to replace Outhouse^H^H^H^H^Hlook.

Joe Hartley - - brainiac services, inc
12 Emma G Lane, Narragansett, RI : 02827 - vox 401.782.9042: fax 401.782.8782
Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa

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