Re: (PM) looking for opinions - PM3

Shawn Ring (
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 16:18:16 -0800

At 04:19 PM 2/16/99 -0600, Jason wrote:
>I must chime in here:
>We've used PM-3's for more than a year now, and they are perfect for
>us. Work great every time, never even have to look at them or deal with
>them. I have loaded two ComOS updates and those also went without a
>Oh, and they're super simple to set up. (five minutes, ten commands,
>that's about it?)
>I think they're great!
>Jason Byrns
>Connectivity Manager
>ispi of Lincoln
I am happy to hear someone is confident of their products performance!
Jason, what kind of customer base are you putting through your PM3s? Also
what Telco and type of dialtone are you using? If there is a combination
that is a success I want to hear about it.
Shawn Ring
I N T E G R I T Y O N L I N E 
"America's Choice for Internet Integrity" 

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