RE: (PM) Outlook Express

Russ Taylor (
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 16:26:35 -0800

Regarding disconnects while checking email: we fix this by adjusting the
Windows port settings. It appears to have something to do with the modem
transmission speeds you hit while going to a local server (like a mail

If you have problems being disconnected frequently, you may be being hit
by a bug in the Windows 95/98 modem code. Basically, it causes your
modem to hang up when large amounts of data are being transmitted. Here
are the steps to correct it:

* Click on Start, then Settings, then Control Panels
* Double-click modems
* Click Properties
* Click Connection
* Click Port Settings
* Move both bars all the way to the Low side
* Click OK

On 2/16/99 4:04 PM, Bob Love ( wrote

>MOST of our customers (close to 2,000) use either OE or Outlook98
>MOST of them have problems, especially with very large mails.
>They can surf all day long, but hit send & receive, there's a good chance of
>getting disconnected. There is something extremely peculiar about MSMail in
>I don't say this happens all the time (or I doubt we'd still have 2,000
>customers <smile>) but often enough to be a pita for our support team. The
>symptoms are too weird to contemplate. I had one customer, whenever they
>received a forwarded e-mail, from a particular person, they could never
>download it. Forwards from other people, no problem. Normal mail from that
>person no problem.
>Another customer's mailbox was guaranteed to hang, if they got a mail from a
>particular mailing list (which I subscribed to myself to try to find out
>what the problem was, and it hung my mailbox even on the LAN, but only 1 in
>maybe 10 times).
>I've given up completely trying to figure out what the problem was/is (I
>went through those messages bit for bit, there was NOTHING unusual about
>Basically, I don't trust MSMail - OE - Outlook.
>I'm telling you all this, because I DON'T use a Portmaster at all - just NT
>RAS. I joined this list because I'm in the process of upgrading to PM's.
>You have my sympathy, because I think you'll be drawing a pension sooner
>than you get to the bottom of this particular problem...

Russ Taylor (,
Chambers Multimedia Connection Help Desk
"I've got a plan so cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a
weasel" -- Black Adder

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