Fwd: Re: (PM) looking for opinions - PM3 (fwd)

Shawn Ring (shawn@integrityonline.com)
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 13:39:45 -0800

I would have to agree with Tim below. We have POP sites in Alabama,
Atlanta, Phoenix, Idaho and Oregon. All running PM3s and a combination of
PRI and CT1s. I am having connection issues across the board. My member
base is constantly saying that since we have moved to digital our service
has come to be unreliable. I have been a staunch supporter of
Livingston/Lucent Portmasters. Primarily the PM2E and PM25. The PM3,
though the interfaces is a continued managing success, the code is scary.
We just sent our PM4 back, and purchased 6 more PM3s. I now currently have
23 PM3s in my network. I am starting to waiver on my allegiance.

I can't have both boxes out at every site. It would be a capital
intensive nightmare. I have to have a solution that is close as possible,
if that means going with a different box so be it. If I cant make a $1 to
buy equipment..who cares about the equipment you can't buy!

Notice though, I am still using my PM3s. I started loving Portmasters...I
hope I don't end up hating em going out. I would like to know what Lucent
is planning on doing. I can wait for a sooner then later solution, not
silence. Tech support is starting to get to a ridiculous member/tech ratio!
I can't count how many people who say, "I can connect to so and so...why
not you?!?!?!?"

Don't tell me its my telco, I am running both PRI and CT1s. USWest, ICI,
Bell South, ELI, GST, GTE, and Nextlink to name a few. I have been over
the telco reasonings over and over again.


>Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 14:04:29 -0600
>From: Tim Tsai <tim@futuresouth.com>
>To: Tony Harris <tony@elroynet.com>,
> PortMaster Users <portmaster-users@livingston.com>
>Subject: Re: (PM) looking for opinions - PM3 (fwd)
>X-Mailer: Mutt 0.93.2i
>Sender: owner-portmaster-users@livingston.com
>Reply-To: Tim Tsai <tim@futuresouth.com>
> I have managed USR TC's before and I absolutely hated it. However from
>the customer's perspective the modem code is what they encounter first
>and a clean connect *might* be worth the additional hassle of dealing
>with USR both product and company wise. Personally I'd rather Lucent
>improve the PM3.
> Also we have POP's all over the place and it's not practical to have
>both PM3 and USR in all the POP's.

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