Re: (PM) looking for opinions - PM3 (fwd)

Tony Harris (
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 13:34:08 -0600

You have to look at the USR discussion groups as well.

The quad digital modems are VERY solid.

The hyper DSP and hyperARC stuff has MANY problems - they just released a
different set of code to help fix stability issues.

The famous phrase that I have seen in MANY places recently really holds
true - "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" - there
were several USRTC users that are talking switching to PM3's and PM4's
discussing all of the "great success lucent/livingston" boxes have. All
boxes have problems - you only see them more when you only use one box.

I now have a USRTC and a PM3 - I have the USRTC for multiple reasons, one
to compare (it's an older unit with quad modem cards w/ X2/V.90) its quality
and reliability, but also to support the modems that don't work well with
the PM3 - whether it be the V.90 issues, or the fact that someone comes
along with an X2 modem (yes, in my area there are a LOT of KFlex AND X2 - by
having both supported we are really covering the field - many people here
don't want to go thru the hassle of upgrading). I have had problems with
certain modems and disconnects, etc. with my PM3, but I have had a nightmare
getting my USRTC up and running - aside from being on the phone with Tech
support for over 2 hrs - it is much more complex.

Plus - instead of one nice neat upgrade (ie: going from OS 3.8 to 3.8.2) -
you have to download 1 for the NMC, 1 for the netserver, 1 for the modems
and another for your pri card - now yes, you may only need just the NMC to
be upgraded, BUT you have to go check the magical compatibility chart to see
if the new version of software is going to break everything else - at least
with the PM3 (and PM4) you get one package with everything, and you don't
have to worry if the code that handles authentication can talk to your
modems or not.

But, all is well now, and everything is working on my end - but either way,
I will still have a PM, and a TC in my future - just so I can cover both
nightmares of modems.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Tsai <>
To: PortMaster Users <>
Date: Monday, February 15, 1999 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: (PM) looking for opinions - PM3 (fwd)

>For me, what I'd really like is better feedback on what Lucent is doing
>about the modem/line padding issue.
>The LT Winmodem is getting new releases on a regular basis - too bad the
>PM3 doesn't enjoy the same support. My question is why isn't the same
>resources on the LT Winmodem being put into making the PM3 modem code
>better? The LT Winmodem has turned into one of the best modems out there
>(especially with the Digital Impair Learning code recently). I can't
>say the same about PM3 modem code.
>I will admit that I myself started to look at TC datasheets recently.
>If 3COM have OSPF support and they didn't have such crappy support policy
>(and that I don't hate 3COM in general :-), I might be replacing our 10
>or so PM3's right now. It is still tempting as we are changing our
>marketing direction and I don't think we can deal with the growth in
>customer support issues due to modems alone with the PM3. Our experience
>shows that the TC handle crappy modems/lines much better in general.
>I am also on the USR list, etc. I do still think that the TC has a lot
>less modem issues.
>Lucent, do you know how frustrating it is to be a staunch PM3 support
>for two years and yet the modem situation still isn't resolved?
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