Re: (PM) Compaq Modems

Mia's Virtual Post Office (
Mon, 15 Feb 99 12:35:39 -0600

John Vozza said:

>Compaq modems on newer systems, last 6 months or so are complete crap even
>when upgraded with latest code.
>Even worse is when you try to replace them with a "real" modem. Anyone
>that has some ideas I would love some hints!
>I replaced a compaq modem with a Zoltrix internal ISA based modem which I
>have used in 100's of systems. Now the modem only dials every 1 out of 3 or
>4 attempts! Re-did the DUN connection, re-installed dial-up networking,
>tried 3 brand new modems and all exhibit the same "dial 1 out 3 times"
>(Connect box comes up showing dialing, you hear modem click, but no
>dial-tone and no dialing of digits) BTW the same modems work perfectly in a
>non-compaq machine.
>I removed the old modem driver and references to it in system.ini (yes
>system.ini) and still the same problem.
Add an External modem.. Works everytime.


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