(PM) another compaq blunder

Jeff Carlson (jcarlson@apex.net)
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 11:14:42 -0600 (CST)

We were working with a compaq computer today and were idle at least we
thought. Noticed the modem lights flashing away while nothing was
running. Checked the task bar and sure enough, the boys at compaq have
added a nifty feature, an auto updater. This particular customer was
complaining of it being slow while his other computer in the house was
faster. Had him bring it to the office for us to check out and it is

This little auto updater was trying to download an 8 meg file with an HCF
modem set to +ms=v34.

Its a program called backweb. Might want to be on the look out for it.
Got a little running man icon in the task bar.

we stopped that and took it out with msconfig, the customer got home and
it ran just as fast as his other machine.

Jeff Carlson
Head of Technical Support
Apex Internet Services

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