Re: (PM) looking for opinions - PM3 (fwd)

Tim Tsai (
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 10:21:40 -0600

For me, what I'd really like is better feedback on what Lucent is doing
about the modem/line padding issue.

The LT Winmodem is getting new releases on a regular basis - too bad the
PM3 doesn't enjoy the same support. My question is why isn't the same
resources on the LT Winmodem being put into making the PM3 modem code
better? The LT Winmodem has turned into one of the best modems out there
(especially with the Digital Impair Learning code recently). I can't
say the same about PM3 modem code.

I will admit that I myself started to look at TC datasheets recently.
If 3COM have OSPF support and they didn't have such crappy support policy
(and that I don't hate 3COM in general :-), I might be replacing our 10
or so PM3's right now. It is still tempting as we are changing our
marketing direction and I don't think we can deal with the growth in
customer support issues due to modems alone with the PM3. Our experience
shows that the TC handle crappy modems/lines much better in general.

I am also on the USR list, etc. I do still think that the TC has a lot
less modem issues.

Lucent, do you know how frustrating it is to be a staunch PM3 support
for two years and yet the modem situation still isn't resolved?

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