Re: (PM) looking for opinions - PM3 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sun, 14 Feb 1999 22:59:27 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Roy shaped the electrons to say...
>The PM-3 isn't. I am not saying its very bad but its not the clear
>winner. I had expected a better unit.

I can't really call myself un-biased, but I'm on pretty much every NAS
related mailing list and newsgroup. Everyone is saying the same thing.
If slow software is an issue, don't look at Cisco, they took longer than
anyone else to bring V.90 out, and are still behind. And their RADIUS
client is still way behind anyone else. Fact is if you watch the trading
forum more people are selling other HW and looking to buy PM-3s than
any other NAS. Used PM-3s are hard to come buy because few people are
selling them, and a LOT of people are trying to buy them.

3Com probably has the best modem connectivity overall, but by no means
would I call them a clear winner. They too have trouble with Rockwell
HCF modems (pieces of shit they are), and even some of their own Sportsters.

And on the NAS side they are severely lacking. And don't even consider
the old Total Control NetServer - it is *DEAD*. If you think of anything
3Com it must be TC HiPer Access.

>I am not impressed by their Java based tools either. They are slow and
>I can't use them on my UNIX boxes (no X installed).

Maybe I'm wrong, but I could have sworn the PMTools have a command line
mode. And how weak is the box they are running on, I've run them on a
P200 in Win95 and they were fast. That's about the slowest thing I've
run them on.

In any case, they're designed for people who want a GUI. If you don't
want a GUI, and since you don't run X it sounds like you don't, then telnet.


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