(PM) PM4 host prompting problem

Joshua M. Thompson (om@mich.com)
Fri, 5 Feb 1999 19:12:17 -0500 (EST)

I recently upgraded one of my POPs from two PM3s to to a PM4, and although
things are runnings smoothly for the most part there is one problem that I
can't seem to figure out:

On my PM3s I have all my ports default to an ifilter called "unframed"
(this filter just denies all traffic) and I have access
enhancement set to on ("set s0 access on"). In this configuration, when
the user is prompted for a host, any host they enter will trigger the
access enhancement and prompt them for a login name and password. All is
right with the world on my PM3s.

On the PM4 however, the unit always comes back with "Unable to resolve
host name or address" whenever I enter a host name at the host: prompt. if
I enter an IP address it works fine (access enhancement kicks in and asks
for my login ID and password). I have quadruple-checked my configuration
and I simply *cannot* find the problem. The configuration on the ports
look identical to my PM3s, my filters are identical, and I have confirmed
the DNS entries in global config (in fact I can do a "ping shell.mich.com"
just fine, but trying to go to shell.mich.com at the host prompt produces
the error message). I've even gone so far as to change the filter to just
permit everything and it's still no dice.

FYI my PPP users run just fine. This is only affecting shell users.

Anyone got any ideas? I'm stumped!

Network Administrator        | FABRICATI DIEM, PVNC.
mich.com, Inc.               |   -- The motto of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch
248-442-1000 x212            |      (Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!)

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