Re: (PM) Ether0 Resets

Roy Jackson (
Fri, 5 Feb 1999 17:15:22 -0600

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are you using a switched network or just a plain old hub?
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Ivanowich <>
To: PM users <>
Date: Friday, February 05, 1999 4:31 PM
Subject: (PM) Ether0 Resets
Hi all,
I have a small problem. After about 23 days the reset count on =
ether0 is around 328. I think this is not normal. Any ideas? Ive =
tried comos 3.8 & 3.8.2 and new cables. but to no avail.
What is going on???
Richard Ivanowich
*trapped in 5' X 5' room with PM3s & the music of hard drives =
spinning *

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are you using a switched network or = just a plain=20 old hub?
-----Original = Message-----
From:=20 Richard Ivanowich <>
To: = PM=20 users <portmaster-users@livingst=>
Date:=20 Friday, February 05, 1999 4:31 PM
Subject: (PM) Ether0 = Resets

Hi all,
I have a small problem.   After about = 23 days=20 the reset count on ether0 is around 328.  I think this is not=20 normal.  Any ideas?  Ive tried comos 3.8 & 3.8.2 = and  new=20 cables.  but to no avail.
What is going on???
Richard Ivanowich
*trapped in 5' X 5' room with PM3s & the = music of hard=20 drives spinning *
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