(PM) Re: LT Winmodem update does not always work

Ed Schulz (edschulz@lucent.com)
Thu, 04 Feb 1999 11:04:57 -0500

>From: Susan <susan@rockbridge.net>
>Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 23:50:29 -0500
>Subject: (PM) LT Winmodem update does not always work
>And where are they getting this magic driver upgrade? I've had my
>customers install the new upgrade from their mfgr and nothing has
>changed for them :-( I only had one successful - and that was for an LT
>Winmodem that came with an IBM.
>I spoke with a user last nite who is running the ltwinmodem with the
>latest driver from CTX website it took her up to version 5.20 but she
>still cant get past the handshake with either us or our competition
>(they're running x2 recently upgraded to v.90 btw - we like it when the
>upgrade cuz we get their fallout customers *G*).

Our latest host-controller code is 5.39. Visit
http://808hi.com/56k/x2-lucent.htm#firmware until our own webmaster can
figure out how to post it reliably.

Version 5.20 will stumble when calling certain buggy 3Com servers. 5.22
and beyond avoids this problem. 3Com also has an engineering release that
appears to fix their server bug.

Ed Schulz
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