Re: (PM) Session time out warning

Susan (
Wed, 03 Feb 1999 23:43:44 -0500

You stated:
There is another setting in: Control Panel, Internet, Connection,
Settings. I don't know if one will override the other. I would
guesstimate that the modem setting would take precedence as
its closer to the hardware.

Mike K

As a point of interest, Windows 95 is funny about this with DUN. It sees
an idle connection as one not SENDING info - if a user has this enabled
to disconnect after 15 mins idle, and that customer has started a
download process that takes longer than that, but is not also actively
surfing or checking mail during the same time, the software will think
the connection is idle and kill the connection.
Its a double edged sword.
Win 98 helps with that abit, though.

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