Re: (PM) Session time out warning

Susan (
Wed, 03 Feb 1999 23:40:51 -0500

You're generous. We have ours set to 5 hours session timeout and 15 min
idle timeout.
But, we have lots of students to contend with...


Mia's Virtual Post Office wrote:
> Jack Beech - President said:
> >Why??? More than likely so your users dont just think they get more random
> >disconnects than they already do.. You have got to be kidding with your
> >reply of "why".
> >
> nope, I'm not kidding... My reply of "Why?" asks the question, why
> indicate to your users that it near time to log off and log on again to
> eat up another 8hours session. We explicitly explain to our users both
> on the web and in their Terms and Conditions agreement just what a
> Session Timeout is. We set a 7 hour session limit and it does not take a
> rocket scientist to determine that if I get disconnected every 7 hours,
> there must be a pattern. Even with a 25 minute idle time it is easy to
> explain to a user that it is not a random disconnect. Now if it happens
> outside of these parameters, then there is a problem some where.
> jer
> "On a day no different than the one now dawning, Leonardo drew the first
> strokes of the Mona Lisa, Shakespeare wrote the first words of Hamlet, and
> Beethoven began work on his Ninth Symphony." And Windows98 Crashed!
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