Re: (PM) absolute timeout

Paul Haddon (
Wed, 3 Feb 1999 19:38:21 +1100

On Wed, Feb 03, 1999 at 02:55:41PM +0800, john wrote:
> Thanks guys. I thought that may be the case. Next question is can it be done
> at the command line of the PM3. You see I also have a Cisco AS5200 on which
> you can do this so what I do is run a daemon which determines the state of
> the lines. If they are all being used then the daemon changes the absolute
> timeout from x to y.

If I'm reading you correctly, you want to reduce the maximum session time of
users that are already logged in.

If that's the case, Session-Timeout won't help, since it only takes affect when
the user logs in.

If you want to kick off people based on that sort of criteria, I'd recommend
you take a look at the Term Server Monitor program (

Although it's commercial it's worth the money. You can set it so it'll automatically
kick off the longest session when your lines get to less than X free. It also
stops multiple-logins etc etc.

'Course you could always grab some of the free utils floating around and hack
them together to do the same, if you're that way inclined.

Paul Haddon
Technical Services Manager
Hartingdale Internet

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