(PM) CRC errors

Kimmo Jaskari (kimmo@alcom.aland.fi)
Wed, 3 Feb 1999 15:42:21 +0200 (EET)

Consider the following:

---------------------- line0 - E1 Primary Rate ISDN ---------------

Status: UP F1 Framing: CRC4 Encoding: HDB3 PCM: a-law

Bipolar 34
CRC4 106206
E-bit 4138
FAS bit 0

Livingston PortMaster PM-3 ComOS 3.8.2
System uptime is 6 days 4 hours 56 minutes

Could anyone offer clues as to what is the problem? Telco having fouled
up PRI's? Bad settings?

I'm not sure what 100000 crc errors in 6 days does to modem stability,
but I can only assume it's not good.



---------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ Kimmo Jaskari | =C5LCOM - =C5lands Datakommunikation Ab = | E-mail: kimmo@alcom.aland.fi | http://www.alcom.aland.fi | http://www.alcom.aland.fi/kimmo | Phone: +358-(0)18-12122 | ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------+

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