Re: (PM) im plenty OLD in isp years thanks....

Tom (
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 22:36:54 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, Robert Hanson wrote:

> both the max line and the pm3/4 line will die IN FAVOR OF CISCO END TO END
> if something isnt done about the quality and speed of developement of
> COMOS/modem code etc blah ***and*** various PM4 blades...

The only thing I hate worse that the Lucent modem DSPs and code is Cisco
modem DSPs and code. MICA stinks.

I particular love the Cisco MICA kludge of auto-firmware downloads after
X number of connect failures on a modem. I'm not sure why re-downloading
firmware to the DSP is going to improve connect performance. I guess the
the Cisco MICA DSPs corrupt their own code, leak memory, or just lockup
once in a while. Anyhow, since each DSP provides 6 modem channels, the
auto-download procedure will take down 5 channels over and above the one
that was causing problems. If some of the other 5 channels are in use, it
will wait and busy out the channels until they are all free, and then
proceded re-downloading the firmware. Now if this means that you don't
have enough modems to handle calls, the Cisco will helpfully return busy
signals. This is why you should always have 6 extra modems in a Cisco.


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