Re: Nostalgia (was Re: (PM) An issue with 3.8.2 after 21 days?)

Thomas Kinnen (
Tue, 02 Feb 1999 08:37:32 -0800

jon-lists wrote:

> I never got a modem till I had a C64 was a 1200 baud i beleive.
> I do remember looking at the acoustic coupler in the radio shack catalog
> going "man.. i wish I could tinker with that.."

I still have my 1541 Disk drive, 1200 modem (I have one of the 300 black
ones floating around some where) and a CPM Z-80 cartage for a C64. the
C64 blew up and I've never got around to replacing it :).

Thomas C Kinnen - <> <>
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