RE: Nostalgia (was Re: (PM) An issue with 3.8.2 after 21 days?)

Marco C. Coelho (
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 12:23:04 -0600

One last old fart comment....

I was at a customer facility with a couple of our younger software =
engineering (mid 20s), when I saw one of those Neolithic Grey rounded =
console punch card stations. This thing was still active tied to some =
legacy machine.....

I called the engineers over to look at it and neither new what it =
was.... OUCH gotta get that old feeling from that one.

-----Original Message-----
From: jon-lists []
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 1999 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: Nostalgia (was Re: (PM) An issue with 3.8.2 after 21 days?)

Maybe.. You've definitely got me dated.. :)

My first comp was a TRS-80 Model I handed down from my =
some of those text based adventure games on it. haha.. that was a trip..
learned to write em from this really cool computer teacher we had in 8th
grade, they had coco's in there. I ran outta memory (16K) doing chr$
graphics with set/reset animations for all the locations.. then I got =
Model III hand-me-downed and moved to a whopping 48K.. i was stylin.. =
haha :)

I never got a modem till I had a C64 was a 1200 baud i =
I do remember looking at the acoustic coupler in the radio shack catalog
going "man.. i wish I could tinker with that.."

At 01:35 AM 2/2/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I may be resident geezer here. I started out on punch cards and real
>core; disks, files, stacks, and registers were yet to appear.
>Response time was measured in days ... in fact, to this day I can
>remember feeling a sense of awe the first time I handed in a card deck
>and got back the output listing in one trip to the comp center.
>I don't recognize "ASR33", but most early teletypes were 110 baud.
>The first 300 baud terminal I can remember was the TI SilentWriter;
>the "portable" model had a built-in acoustic modem.
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