Re: (PM) Telepath x2

Christopher Ostmo (
Wed, 29 Jul 1998 11:25:43 -0800

On 28 Jul 98, Mark Zedwick telekinetically manipulated the keyboard
to type:

> You want to issue the following command:
> atx2
> This will force the modem to do x2, even if the phone lines don't
> support it, and even if your PM3 doesn't support x2. As an
> alternate, you can issue this command. It won't work on all Telepath
> x2 modems, though. Some of them need to be upgraded.
> atv90
> You also might want to issue the following command
> at&w&w1
> This will write the new settings into the NVRAM, so that next time
> the modem is reset, it will remember this setting, and connect with
> the new wonder-speeds.

This is probably not what ANYONE wants to do! The original post
indicated that the Telepath modem had not been upgraded to v.90. If
you try to force an x2 only modem to connect with a 56flex/v.90
modem using x2, you will probably make it so that the modem will
absolutely not connect at any speed!

Furthermore, the fact that the question was asked indicates that the
poster does not have a comprehensive understanding of the way modems
are supposed to work. Writing new settings into NVRAM is not
something you want to be doing unless you are ABSOLUTELY certain you
know how to undo what you have done.

The answer to the original post: This modem WILL NOT connect to the
PM3 at speeds greater than 33.6K unless the modem and the Portmaster
have BOTH been upgraded to v.90. It does not matter what init string
you try - it WILL NOT work until BOTH modems are speaking v.90.

Have fun...

Christopher Ostmo
Rosenet, Inc.

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