(PM) Modem Trouble w/PM3

Paul Andersen (paul-ml@egate.net)
Wed, 29 Jul 1998 14:24:02 -0400 (EDT)

We've just installed a PM3 recently and we've had our first 'Won't
connect' modem. It's a PCMCIA card in a laptop. Looks kind of generic and
the most I can get out of some ati's with the customer is:

Performance(tm) 33.6 V34 DATA/FAX PC CARD
Model 538PUS

33600 538PUS v34 PCMCIA v1.0 (c) 1996 Enterprise Technologies Inc. ----

It gives a NO CARRIER no matter what after about 5 seconds of what sounds like the old 33.6 handshaking. I think it's confused by the inital 56k tones. I tried having the person insert some commas after the number so that the modem would not hear those tones but the best that I could do is make it connect at 2400..

Any suggestions?


Paul Andersen (InterNIC:PA137)		paul@egate.net
System Administrator			T: +1 (416) 447-8505x23
E-Gate Communications Inc.		F: +1 (416) 447-6447
Toronto, Ontario			P: www.egate.net/pagepaul

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