(PM) Replies to website comments

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 15:56:39 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Joe Hartley shaped the electrons to say...
>Of course, getting to the Technotes means navigating the new horrific
>website, which looked horrible under lynx 2.3 and crashed NS3.02 on my Sun.

Ok, I'm all in favor of backward compatibility and all - but Lynx 2.3?
My gods man, that's stoneage! Lynx 2.3 has a number of bugs - it chokes on
several perfectly valid constructs in current HTML. I have access to things
going back as far as 2.5, and the site works fine that far back. The farthest
back I can even remember well is 2.4, which is what I used at Livingston to
check the site when I built it. (Hmm, maybe it is still on 'server'.) And,
if I recollect right, the sight would probably work in 2.4 ok.

Seeing as at least 2.8rev3 is out - well, and 2.8.1betas - I really don't
see room to complain about Lynx 2.3. That is YEARS out of date.

Now, if it crashes Netscape 3.02 on Sun - that is something that should be
checked out. That's basically one generation back - recent enough to be in
heavy use. I, unfortunately, only have Win95 and Linux units with Netscape
so I can't test it on Sun. I know the web folks are trying to address the
complaints that have been coming in, if you tell them what OS you were on
(SunOS 4.x? Solaris?) they may be able to test it. When I left I know there
was still a NS 3.x on some of the UNIX boxes, perhaps still a 2.x on the old
SunOS server. I believe I renamed it when I upgraded the default later.

>No, folks, I don't want java loading cute little popup thingies or a

I haven't seen any Java on the site so far. JavaScript is a *completely*
different technology than Java. Netscape only named it that (it was originally
called LiveScript) to cash in on the Java marketing engine. They partnered
with Sun, added some Java-JavaScript cross-connect abilities (LiveConnect)
and changed the name.

>104K image of a PM4 (god, haven't these people figured out how to reduce

Where did you get 104K? The image appears to be the same one they've been
using for a LONG time, and even as its decoded size is 34KB.

>an image's size yet?), I just want to get to the info I need.

Oh - and you know, Netscape does have an option to turn image loading off.
When I'm really in a hurry on a slow link, I do it. You can also turn
JavaScript off, at least in newer revs, and Java (not an issue here). There
are a couple of issues with the site as is with JS off, but I've talked with
the webmaster and we came up with fixes for those that she is working on.


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