Re: (PM) Replies to website comments

Joe Hartley (
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 19:20:42 -0400 (EDT)

MegaZone <> wrote:
> Once upon a time Joe Hartley shaped the electrons to say...
> >Of course, getting to the Technotes means navigating the new horrific
> >website, which looked horrible under lynx 2.3 and crashed NS3.02 on my Sun.
> Ok, I'm all in favor of backward compatibility and all - but Lynx 2.3?
> My gods man, that's stoneage!

OK, I've downloaded the new lynx and am recompiling now. There is such a
thing as being *too* retro - I haven't tried to network my Sinclair ZX-81
(no, not a Timex/Sinclair!), but I *did* network the Amiga!

> Now, if it crashes Netscape 3.02 on Sun - that is something that should be
> checked out. That's basically one generation back - recent enough to be in
> heavy use.

Dropped like a dog in this heat, it did. There's usually not much that
causes NS to up and die on the Sun, but this one sure did; I hit the
"search" button in the list archive section, and *poof*! Surprised the hell
out of me!

> >104K image of a PM4 (god, haven't these people figured out how to reduce
> Where did you get 104K? The image appears to be the same one they've been
> using for a LONG time, and even as its decoded size is 34KB.

First time I hit the site, I was watching the bottom of the window, and
I see "2% of 104K"..."6% of 104K" and so on. I assumed (I know, I know)
it was the PM4 image. *Something* on that first page was 104K!

I have a dialup line from home, where I do most of my work. I know, I
own an ISP, so why not a better connection? Well, Bell Atlantic won't
give me ISDN (despite BA marketing saying "all of RI is ISDN ready!"),
the frame cloud in RI is both woefully mismanage _and_ hellishly expensive,
and in the end, whn it comes to choosing between faster access and a bigger
paycheck, I go with the latter every time! (I did get a PM11 a few months
ago to do EQL balancing with a 2nd line, but there's another Bell story
in why I don't have that going yet!)

Short version, I feel my customers' pain when they complain about dialup
speeds. If you own an ISP, you should be forced to a dialup connection
three consecutive days every month :)

My rantings aside, I'm glad someone (take a bow MZ) is leading the
informational charge to help clue in the apparently new web czar at

Joe Hartley - - brainiac services, inc
PO Box 5069 : Greene, RI : 02827 - vox 401.539.9050 : fax 401.539.2070
Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa
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