Re: (PM) Two weeks later, and still no working ComOS

Ralf Sauther (
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 13:04:04 +0200 (MET DST)

On Fri, 17 Jul 1998, Olaf Klein wrote:

> PM3 would be great, but the absolut buggy Software makes it worthless.
> I have payed more than 45.000$ for nothing, and now I have to worry about
> my incomes. In another two weeks I should consider going to
> sue livingston for compensation and working on dead meat.

Well, i wonder about the delay of the ComOS. I can remember a
time, where this was no problem (ComOS 3.5) and the result was stable as a
rock. No modem trouble, no nothing. It just worked, as it should.

Now, we have the opposite since the change to the new K56Flex-cards... Bad
connects, PM reboots etcpp...

I can understand, that Livingston/Lucent invest more time/developing in
the new PM4's, because there is a new market to get. But is it right to
leave the already-customers standing in the rain for this ? Or is the
developing team simply unable to fix the trouble ? Really too bad, that
Livingston/Lucent is ignoring user-requests/complaints in any case...


Ralf Sauther --

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