(PM) configuration advice

Josh Moormann (moormann@liberty.edu)
Thu, 9 Jul 1998 17:39:51 -0400

Greets to you all...

Here is my situation:

I have a PM2e authenticating against RADIUS on WinNT. Currently these
modems are used as a staff/faculty only dialup solution to connect to the
campus network, surf the 'Net, etc...

We are in the process of bringing online a new Student Info System and there
is a requirement for some of our remote office to access the SIS via dialup.
I would like to use our existing PM2e and just purchase additional modems to
handle the increased demand.

The question/problem:

All the modems (including the new ones for the SIS) will be connected to the
same PM. I've been asked (by those above me) to find a solution where by if
a user were to dial the SIS access phone extension their computers could
only talk to the SIS computer, not surf the 'Net, and vice-versa for those
which dial the current "dialup" number. Is this "doable" via filters
somehow? How bout with menuing? Remember that all modems are connected to
the same PM and authenticate against the same Radius server. What about in
the PMConsole managment app there is a drop-down field called "access
filter" which appears to be configurable for each interface. Can something
be done here? I guess it's like I'm trying to apply a "default" user filter
to a modem interface. Is this a PM issue or a RADIUS issue? Been doing a
little digging throught the docs, and haven't been able to get a real "warm
fuzzy" bout it all.

Would appreciate any comments/questions/suggestions you all may have...


Josh Moormann | moormann@liberty.edu
Network Administrator, Network Services
Liberty University
804.582.2826 / fax 804.582.7947

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