Re: (PM) configuration advice

John Gonzalez/netMDC admin (
Thu, 9 Jul 1998 16:11:59 -0600 (MDT)

On Thu, 9 Jul 1998, Josh Moormann wrote:

|| Greets to you all...
|| Here is my situation:
|| I have a PM2e authenticating against RADIUS on WinNT. Currently these
|| modems are used as a staff/faculty only dialup solution to connect to the
|| campus network, surf the 'Net, etc...
|| We are in the process of bringing online a new Student Info System and there
|| is a requirement for some of our remote office to access the SIS via dialup.
|| I would like to use our existing PM2e and just purchase additional modems to
|| handle the increased demand.
|| The question/problem:
|| All the modems (including the new ones for the SIS) will be connected to the
|| same PM. I've been asked (by those above me) to find a solution where by if
|| a user were to dial the SIS access phone extension their computers could
|| only talk to the SIS computer, not surf the 'Net, and vice-versa for those
|| which dial the current "dialup" number. Is this "doable" via filters
|| somehow? How bout with menuing? Remember that all modems are connected to
|| the same PM and authenticate against the same Radius server. What about in
|| the PMConsole managment app there is a drop-down field called "access
|| filter" which appears to be configurable for each interface. Can something
|| be done here? I guess it's like I'm trying to apply a "default" user filter
|| to a modem interface. Is this a PM issue or a RADIUS issue? Been doing a
|| little digging throught the docs, and haven't been able to get a real "warm
|| fuzzy" bout it all.
|| Would appreciate any comments/questions/suggestions you all may have...

Josh, i believe the choicenet package will do exactly what you need it to
do. You should check it out on and read the info on it.

John Gonzalez
MDC Computers/netMDC! Internet Services
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