Chad Scott (
Thu, 9 Jul 1998 11:38:38 -0700 (PDT)

On 9 Jul 1998, Jeff Haas wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 09, 1998 at 10:51:00AM -0700, Chad Scott wrote:
> > Does it cheese anyone else off when someone assumes that hardware is
> > identical on every platform? =)
> Okay Chad.
> Tell me (or show me the source - your choice) that your PPP/IP protocol
> dump code is tied directly to the hardware above the layer 2 interface.
> If it is, I'll slit my wrists post-haste.

I'm talking hardware. Code isn't the only thing that blows stuff up. In
this case, it might be on every platform. I was just objecting to you
jumping on Tom's case for asking a standard operating procedure question.

Sometimes things blow up on the PM3 that don't blow up on the PM2 and
knowing that helps us find the problem.

> Sarcasm aside, when I believe the hardware has any relevance I'm
> quite happy to report it. But I've had the first-line phone support
> people be unwilling to put in multiple PM platforms in that field
> when I open a trouble ticket.

For the benefit of the person looking at the ticket, they need to know
what platform you're sitting at. If it's all platforms, they'll note that
in the ticket as well.

> Then there's the time I reported some errata in the help text.
> The support people insisted on knowing what operating system I was
> using on my workstation.

On some occasions the documentation is different depending on platform.
It's better to go at a problem with too much information than too little.

Chad Scott
Beta Engineer
Lucent Technologies

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