Jeff Haas (
Thu, 9 Jul 1998 14:31:33 -0400

On Thu, Jul 09, 1998 at 10:51:00AM -0700, Chad Scott wrote:
> Does it cheese anyone else off when someone assumes that hardware is
> identical on every platform? =)

Okay Chad.

Tell me (or show me the source - your choice) that your PPP/IP protocol
dump code is tied directly to the hardware above the layer 2 interface.

If it is, I'll slit my wrists post-haste.

I _know_ your programmers are better than that.

> We need to know what platform to start trying to reproduce the problem on.

Should I break out my (working) PM11's and let you know if there's
a problem there too?

Sarcasm aside, when I believe the hardware has any relevance I'm
quite happy to report it. But I've had the first-line phone support
people be unwilling to put in multiple PM platforms in that field
when I open a trouble ticket.

Then there's the time I reported some errata in the help text.
The support people insisted on knowing what operating system I was
using on my workstation.

Sometimes N/A is the right answer.

On second thought, I should have told them Commodore Basic.

> Chad Scott
> Beta Engineer
> Lucent Technologies

Jeffrey Haas -+- -+- 
/\/\sen, Inc. "Michigan's Best Run Internet Service Provider."
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