(PM) PM3 opinions

Chris Chapman (cchapman@commerceinc.com)
Wed, 08 Jul 1998 13:49:16 -0400

I haven't used a Portmaster since the 2er with 30 serial ports and I
wanted an alternative to Ascend gear along with some real world opinions
on a PM3. We would like a Portmaster 3 to serve the following

- Terminate a PRI for ISDN and v.90 dialin (24 modems).
- Terminate a Point to Point T1 for IP traffic between a remote office
and the POP.
- Route IP traffic between the modems, the LAN, and the remote office.
(Internet traffic from the modems and remote office will be sent to a
seperate router on the LAN through the portmaster).

Internet <---->LAN<------
1 or 2 PRIs for dialin<----> Portmaster <--->PtP T1 from remote office

Also, if at a later date we need to add 24 more modems, is our
expandability shot by using the internal CSUs for the PtP T1 and PRI?
If we can add 24 more modems, could it handle the load for 48 sessions
and routing the PtP T1?

Any help is appreciated.


Chris Chapman
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