Re: (PM) PM3 / b17 Reboots?

Josh Richards (
Mon, 6 Jul 1998 01:31:51 -0700 (PDT)

On 29 Jun 1998, Florian Lohoff wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 27, 1998 at 07:27:38AM -0700, James Laszko wrote:
> > I went into PMVision, logged into one of my PM3's and noticed - hmm.. -
> > It's 7:15AM, I've been asleep since about 11:00PM last night, yet my PM3
> > has an uptime of 7 hours.. I guess it must have rebooted itself.... <g>
> > Anyone else seeing reboot problems? Code's been stable for us right up to
> > the last beta release - b17 went to hell on us...
> I had this problem in b15 and downgraded to b13 ... have tried b17
> but had many V.90/V.34 problems (and also @!) and downgraded
> again to b13 ... I have reported this problem to
> when i had b15 and asked immediatly when b17 came out but no answer.
> Think they just ignore the problem (although it wont go away).

I am not aware of a *specific* fix for any reboot issue in b17. There
have been several isolated cases where customers are experiencing reboots
(you being one it sounds like) that, AFAIK, have not been reproducable as
of yet. Note, that I am not saying they don't exist--big difference--I'm
saying we have not been able to reproduce it in order to find out what it
is and resolve the issue, if any.

If the issue was reported to and you did not get
back a reasonable response, call 'em. Get a ticket open and make sure you
get a response, although it may be simply "we are working on it, thanks"
since as I said, these have been isolated unreproducable cases so far.
Don't hesitate to ask for somebody else (e.g. a supervisor) if you are not
completely satisified with a response that you get at ANYTIME. That is
how things improve and it keeps everybody focused.

Believe me, *nobody* is ignoring any problem or issue that is brought to
our attention. In fact, it is actually quite the opposite here, we are
always getting our ass kicked a bit everytime a new beta release goes out
the door. ;-)


Josh Richards - <> - <>
[Beta Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
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