Re: (PM) (RADIUS) Livingston VSA? (fwd)

Florian Lohoff (
Fri, 3 Jul 1998 10:48:18 +0200

On Wed, Jul 01, 1998 at 01:09:34PM -0700, MegaZone wrote:
> Once upon a time Mike McCauley shaped the electrons to say...
> >Does anyone know what the Livingston Vendor-Specific attribute number 2 is?
> It is only part of the 3.8 betas, and is not supported in their current
> RADIUS or dictionary. We'll have to wait for RADIUS 2.1 for support I
> believe.
> >Can anyone point me to or send the latest Livingston dictionary?

Is this supported by the Merit radiusd e.g. does the merit decode
this correct or does livingston go the USR way of doing this
not to be compliant to one of their reference Radius servers ?
At the moment we are having a fight with USR about this issue.


Florian Lohoff      	+49-5241-470566
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