Re: (PM) 3.8b17 - SlIp (fwd)

Ralf Sauther (
Thu, 2 Jul 1998 14:11:22 +0200 (MET DST)

On Wed, 1 Jul 1998, MegaZone wrote:

> Dates are for small-minded schedule freaks who need a security blanket,
> or are too blind to realize they are being handed a bill of goods which
> means nothing in concrete terms. I'm trying to think of one, but I can't
> think of a product date announcement which really meant anything...

No. Dates are TIMELINES, for which somebody has to do his work. For every
piece of work he has a specified amount of time, in which this work has to
be done. If he has trouble in getting on time due to problems, no one will
kill him for this. But saying "ready, when it is ready" sounds for me as
a customer "maybe i will do or maybe not, you have to wait". Sorry, but
that is no support, that is nonsence.

As for us we always had much patience with problems of ComOS. We even
tested the beta's on our production machines to help TechSupport for
fixing the modem problems, but now i really think, that the time is up.
Half a year since the last version and still no halfway stable code (for
problems, that are known longer than this !) is definitely too long for
my term of software developing.


Ralf Sauther --

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