Re: (PM) PRI problems

Mike Dugas (
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 09:10:13 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 30 Jun 1998, Roger M. Black wrote:

> I'm running a PM3, version 3.7.2, with 2 PRIs. When any b channel of line0
> is active, there are bipolar violations and CRC errors and I get complaints
> about slow response and disconnects. Line1 seems to work perfectly, no runs
> no drips no errors.
> If I swap the PRIs, the problem moves. BellSouth (the networking wizkids)
> has checked and claims there are no problems, it must be my equipment.

Having experience with Bell Atlantic pulling the same crap, I'm willing to
bet its the PRI... Go after them with a vengance to investegate the line.
Usually if you keep hounding them they'll look into it and fix it.

BA once claimed I had a telephone line that was "testing fine to the
Central Office from the network interface", yet I had no dialtone, and the
underground cable was broken.

Pretty slick of them, considering the NI is in my basement :)

Mike Dugas                                      Sr. Systems Administrator                               InterNet Resource NETworks, LLC
(603) 880-8120                                        Fax: (603) 880-8783

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