Re: (PM) ITU v.90 info (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 02:12:54 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Russ Taylor shaped the electrons to say...
>Unfortunately, it IS true that Lucent is foot-dragging on v.90 support.
>To my knowledge, every other term server player in the market has v.90
>now (Bay, Cisco, USR, Ascend are the ones I know of)

3Com/USR - trouble with V.90 on the NetServer, still not V.90 on their
flagship product, the HiPer Access TC

Ascend - just released V.90 in a build so bad people are taking it off
of their MAXen in droves. See the ascend-users list for the bitch fest.

Cisco - AFAIK they do NOT have V.90 on any of their flagship MICA products
at this time. They have some of the same Rockwell code Ascend has, for
their old Microcomm boards in the AS5200.

Bay - Bitch fest on the BAY-ISP list over V.90 issues.

Everyone is basically using beta code - just not everyone is calling it
as such.


<> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me..
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