Re: (PM) ITU v.90 info (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 02:15:54 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Russ Taylor shaped the electrons to say...
>USR, Lucent, and Rockwell (finally!) have all agreed to support the
>current "standard". All shipping v.90 modems either conform to this
>standard or WILL conform to this standard. All major terminal servers,

You *HOPE*. Don't bet on it yet - everyone agreed to V.34 to, and there
are STILL problems with V.34 code in some modems.

>with the notable exception of Lucent, DO support this standard.


>won't be out until September. What we care about is interoperability
>with the v.90 that is shipping today. Or didn't you want k56flex support

Well, then you're high, since right now there are seperate, and incompatible,
V.90 implementations out there. So this is not currently a realistic goal.


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