RE: (PM) ITU v.90 info

Jaime Bozza (
Mon, 29 Jun 1998 19:30:55 -0500

> A situation arose today when a customer insisted that the ITU
> standard is
> official, and that the delay in ratifying the standard is only a
> formality. He sited this page:

Read that exact page under "Note to Editors":

The Study Group has agreed to apply the approval procedure under which the
draft text is circulated to all ITU-T members to determine whether the
Study Group is to be assigned the authority to give it final approval
("decision") at its next meeting. After unanimous approval by the Study
Group, the standard takes effect. For the V.90 draft standard, the
"decision" step is scheduled for September 1998.

Final approval ("decision") is scheduled for September 1998. Let your
customer know that September is a few months from now. <G>

I believe the September ITU meeting for this particular standard is still
September 15, 1998. Until this meeting arrives, and the Study Group
assigned to it approves the draft, (v.90 is only a draft thus far), v.90 is
not officially a standard. (Things *CAN* still change from now until

Jaime Bozza
Nucleus Communications, Inc.

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