Re: (PM) Diamond Supra PCI

General User (
Sat, 27 Jun 1998 15:33:38 -0700

At 03:18 PM 6/27/98 -0700, you wrote:
>On 27 Jun 1998, Scott Rothgaber wrote:
>> A local computer shop that refers to me is starting to ship all of
>> its PC's with Diamond Supra PCI modems. So far, none has been able to
>> survive the V.8 tone, so I've had to knock them down with the three-
>> comma trick.
>To be honest (and this is all personal opinion) I'm really surprised Supra
>survives. Their old cheapy v.32bis modems didn't have any error
>correction or compression code in them and their v.34 modems barely
>worked. Now they're slapping v.90 on them and I'm not the least bit
>surprised they're not working right.
>I'd talk to the local computer shop and convince them to trash the Supra
>and go with something else.
Please excue me for my ignorance. What is the relationship between Diamond
and Supra? Are the the same company, or kind of partnership deal?

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