Re: (PM) Diamond Supra PCI
Sat, 27 Jun 1998 17:34:11 -0500

> To be honest (and this is all personal opinion) I'm really surprised Supra
> survives. Their old cheapy v.32bis modems didn't have any error
> correction or compression code in them and their v.34 modems barely
> worked. Now they're slapping v.90 on them and I'm not the least bit
> surprised they're not working right.

V.34 modems?? Which ones?? The Diamond Supra 33.6 PNP
modems are some of the most reliable modems I have seen or
tested with the PM3's. Maybe you didnt see any of the major PC
magazines modems tests and ratings of top 5 33.6 modems not so
long ago. Until V.90 the Diamond Supras are what I swore by.
Now this whole V.90 and Rockwell not supported has been a major
pain. And you can't be the reasonably priced Diamond modems.
The SupraMax PCI modems frankly suck with the V.90 code with
the Pm3 but the old 33.6's still work like a champ.
Jon Clemons
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