Re: (PM) PM2 with BRI cards

Jon Lewis (
Sat, 27 Jun 1998 00:39:15 -0400 (EDT)

On 27 Jun 1998, Chris Adams wrote:

> Wasn't this hashed to death here recently? Or was that on inet-access?

Don't know. I can't keep up with inet-access. I browse it via mail->news
very occasionally.

> Anyway, the latest release for all platforms except the PM3 is 3.7.2.

3.7 represented a major code update in ISDN code. 3.7[.0] was unusable
(at my site) due to the bugginess of the code. 3.7.2 was an improvement,
but worked less well than 3.5.1b17. A few weeks ago, 3.5.1b17 started
failing with the same problem that had prompted downgrading to it from
3.7.2. So I upgraded back to 3.7.2 and called support, asked to reopen
the ticket on this matter (#51393), and asked by name for 2 support people
I'd previously worked with on this problem. I never heard back from

At this point, we only use BRI for dedicated ISDN customers (because
BellSuck wouldn't provision our PRI as anything other than a single hunt
group). The channel to client ratio is 1:1 and we didn't bother
ordering hunting. When we lose BRI now, we have dedicated customers out
of service.

If I get no bug fixes over several months, no reply to email to support,
and more importantly, no response to phone calls to support, what
conclusion can I make other than the PM2 is an unsupported product?

Maybe Patty and Paul just haven't been getting their phone messages. Do
they read the list?

Jon Lewis <> | Spammers will be winnuked or
Network Administrator | drawn and quartered...whichever
Florida Digital Turnpike | is more convenient.
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