Re: (PM) 3.8b17 {My Comments}

John Lange (
Fri, 26 Jun 1998 10:08:31 -0500


My comments...
We have not tried b17 yet, thanks for being the guinea pigs.

We are currently running b14 and are still having v.34 problems, (2c3
yeally sucked here) primarily with MWave and Lucent modems. One Megahurts
customer cannot connect.

Many many customers report trying 10 to 35 times before a successful
connection. Even with a new USR Sport v.90, which had been working well
for many customers.

This sucks. We just converted 107 lines from analog to digital, and are
loosing customers by the handful. The Lucent tech I was working with went
on vacation, and I am high & dry.

???Question, could this be because of telco provisioning??? CT1 AMI D4

>3. Radius Stop records do not include the Framed-IP-Address attribute,
>which we use to identify abusers if somebody complains (search for the
>appropriate Stop record at that time and then find the correct IP - now
>you first have to search for the Start record to find the IP).

This one is REAL important here also, we do "ALL" of our accounting with
the STOP records. RadiusNT & Emerald.

Thanks for letting me vent.
JOhn :}

John C. Lange, Sr. PALACE dot NET, INC. MICRO-TECH Computers, Inc.
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