(PM) 3.8b17 conclusions

Blaz Zupan (blaz@gold.amis.net)
Fri, 26 Jun 1998 14:50:04 +0200 (CEST)

Here is my "report" on 3.8b17 after 2 days of testing:

1. Stable V.90 connections, if you have good lines. Connecting with a
V.90 Sportster Flash connected to a NT+2ab (analog adapter for ISDN lines)
produces a stable 50666/31200 connection, with transfer rates around
5.68KB/s. Connecting the same Sporster to the analog port of an external
Asus ISDNLink 128K produces a very unstable connection which renegotiates
from 49333 up to 50666 and back down again, with pauses of a couple of
seconds. This indicates the A/D conversion in the Asus is not really
quite good enough (or at least not as good enough as the one on the

2. Dialup with modem often produces a nonworking line, which when looked
up with "show session" shows to be stuck in "PASSWORD" state with a
username of "!@". Nothing works at this stage and you have to hang up and
dial again. It can be very bad sometimes (9 unsuccessful calls out of 10)
and not bad at all sometimes (1 unsuccessful call out of 10). This seems
to depend on the phase of the moon :)

3. Radius Stop records do not include the Framed-IP-Address attribute,
which we use to identify abusers if somebody complains (search for the
appropriate Stop record at that time and then find the correct IP - now
you first have to search for the Start record to find the IP).

4. V.34 connection seem to be stable. Although we were not having any
problems with V.34 connections before and this stayed the same after the

We are now back at 3.8b13 which was really stable for us. To everybody
that is still thinking about going to 3.8b17: don't do it. Point 2) above
is really a show-stopper.

This is all on a PM3 connected to a Siemens EWSD switch (EuroISDN).

Blaz Zupan, blaz@medinet.si, http://home.amis.net/blaz
Medinet d.o.o., Linhartova 21, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

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